While ordering product and services, the charges specified on the product/service pages are the latest and correct ones. If the refund is due to technical issues/limitations of Utilities India then we do not charge any Service Charges.
If your order has been rejected due to objectionable content we will charge Rs. 25 additionally during refund(plus the charges mentioned below).
Please find here the service and product charges list of Utilities India which are not mentioned anywhere else in the website. The refund service charge will be extra and on the top of already paid service charges if any by you while ordering. Charges for refund by NEFT (Rs. 5.50) will be deducted for all refunds. No refunds will be permissible in case of non-delivery of any shippable item except for the following:
Bounce of refunds to you for any reason attributed to you will attract Rs 50 penalty.
All refunds will attract minimum of Rs. 30 as service charge.